Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 114: Untitled

For lack of a better word, considering that it has been quite a while since I last wrote anything.

First off, an overdue thought on Valentine's Day.

What is it exactly that possesses these men (and women, though much less likely) to buy expensive gifts, book costly dinners or go to extravagant places and splurge it on their spouses or girlfriends?

Some might accuse me of having not felt the 'Eros' love yet, but I have felt plenty.

Being allowed to exercise it fully, though, is another matter.

Also, if your spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend always expects you to buy something or take her out somewhere, don't get too careless.

Sure, every girl and woman probably likes to be pleased. It's one thing to feel that way, and completely another to feel it mandatory that you should take her out. Why not just spend the time together, alone, at a nice, romantic place without all the frills and fanfare? Isn't that what love should be - Simple and pure?

No, I haven't (thankfully) lost that concept yet, despite facing severe disappointments on several occasions, some of which has dug a deep hole in my heart.

In the end, whatever it is, Valentine's Day should serve as a good reminder about love in all forms.
