Sunday, July 29, 2012


This post has been a long time coming.

Well, I'll be honest here - I never attended my convocation (for vocabulary's sake) at all.

In case anyone was wondering (Not that anyone I know would, of course, since no one asked) where my photos of my graduation had gone to, they never existed. (Speaking this as a fact, dear friends, in case anyone starts pointing out I'm just being bitter. ^^ )

Everything from the smiles, the joy, the TROLLing photos to the tears, the emotions displayed with reckless abandon and the group hugs....

There was nothing.

In case anyone felt that I was a little off for the past few weeks, this was one of the main reasons. Think about it - Every single one of your peers who entered university the same time as you graduated with an Honours, while yours is a Bachelors due to certain reasons. Coming on top of that, the school has apparently forgotten its promise to 'let you know' when the gown-fitting, photo-taking and graduation dates are. The icing of the cake came, of course, when hardly anyone knew I graduated or was going to graduate this year.

The truth hurts.

I reflected back on my university life and thought that perhaps there was something to take back. Something positive. Something that I could hold in my memory and cherish it as a great time worth remembering.

Positive, yes.



You might think me emotional, but there are many things a person can think of others. They can be right, and they can be very, very wrong. Perhaps one can be right in deducing the state of being, but the reasons are far more complex than nuclear physics' equations and formulas. 

Am I sad? Angry? Depressed? Angsty? Perhaps...But the keyword here is the change of 'Am' to 'Was'. It will pass, it passes, and it has passed.

Bottom line? Please refrain from judging. Especially if you don't know the circumstances and don't even bother to ask.


On a lighter note that brightens up the truth a little, I've been thinking about the word 'Graduation'.

What does it mean? Here's the dictionary definition:

"An Act of Graduating."

Of course, graduation usually pertains to a time where you receive a certificate, a diploma or a degree to signify that you have gone through a period of schooling, often in a learning institute, and came out of it by passing or acing all your courses with different honours decorating your transcripts.

To me, it feels like I've received a 'Graduation' of sorts, with an unofficial certificate from the recent Emerge 2012 conference - Evolve.

The whole finale was awesome, of course...And it resonated with a finality in my heart with the conclusion that broke me out of the joyous and heartwarming reverie.

I am no longer a 'youth'.

I am...A prime adult.

And I have to be ready for the world.

Not just ready to start work, earn money, be a provider to my family...But also start to graduate from things that you can do as a youth.
