Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Whys Departure

A Whys Departure

Times you see darkened sky
Times your plans go awry
Times your love run dry
Times you ask Him why

Why has it gone this path?
Were my efforts not enough?
Journey never smooth, always rough?
Why is there once again such a vast gulf?

One moment sunny, the next a blizzard
Suddenly you feel like a hazard
Have I done wrong in Your sight
That upon me comes a terrible blight?

Yet with quietened heart and calmed soul
Even faced with shoulders possibly cold
I seek His face, heart torn to bits
Coming before the throne where He sits

And say:

"Though I know not what offenses I made
Yet this yearning I will freely trade
For Your sovereignty to reign in my life
That between heart and mind there be no strife."

"Yet lest man or woman tell me so
The mistakes I made - how would I know?
Thus I open heart and ears to hear
That everything transpired can be made clear."

"Though I still know not, despite it all,
I can hold my head up, and walk tall.
For He has examined my heart in full,
And found no fault, through and through."

So with all my heart I believe
That through Him I shall gain reprieve
The truth shall set you free, says He
And free indeed, shall I be

~Exel Goh~

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