Sunday, September 25, 2011


The thought came to me as I walked down the road after collecting my new pair of specs (As expected, no one except my mom and bro commented on them).

There was this group of secondary school kids. All in shorts, chatting, laughing, maybe making fun of a geeky classmate. They were occupying the entire width of the path, forcing people walking in the opposite direction to step into the glass patches or uneven terrain at the sides to get past them, and they hadn't noticed that.

As a habit, I usually give way to elderly people, peers, cyclists, families, pregnant women and people who are in a rush. The only other times I veer away from the path is to overtake people who aren't used to walking faster.

So I kept to the path, but obviously stuck to the side. It was the least I could do, since it felt sensible and logical instead of cutting through the group.

To my surprise and indignation, the few kids nearer to me suddenly stuck his head and looked up and kept to their path. I barely sidestepped them, somehow retaining my balance and direction on the path.

It irritated me, of course (as evident by the adjectives used). But it also got me thinking. That slight show of defiance, that "imprudence", as I would call it, was interesting.

Perhaps when we get older, we tend to forget were were once like that - seemingly fearless until the storm clouds appear over the Discipline Master's or our parents' faces, always wanting to show the world what we can do, always looking for a chance to go against the system.

In a sense, I find it strangely commendable, except in cases that are pretty insensible and honestly speaking, silly. Like the one I experienced. What if 'I' was a thug or a bully? What if 'I' hated kids like that and gave them a good one? What if, on a whim, I decided it was fun to take my frustration out on them?

Of course, as a disclaimer, I WON'T DO THOSE THINGS.

One might think I'm brewing a storm in a teacup, but look at it this way - It's the small things that accumulate to become big ones. Don't despise the humble beginnings, the Bible says. Likewise, it's the foxes that steal the grapes, not tigers or lions.

Imprudence in measured amounts is good. Imprudence against the system in order to fulfill a lofty dream or even better - a GOD dream is extremely commendable. Without flouting the right rules that cause you to compromise your character and values, of course.

And maybe, just maybe, there's something there that we as adults can learn. To start being defiant again against the odds, against the inequities of the system and environment that threatens to shut down our dreams, scribble on them, crumple it then toss it away in a wastepaper basket while laughing mockingly.

Though once again, let's be "imprudent" about the right thing.

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