Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nice Guys Finish Last

To be honest, this isn't entirely original since I'll be basing my post off this interesting video I saw sometime back.

As the saying goes, "Nice guys finish last." Going by that logic, it would seem that the bad boys are the ones who get the girl(s). They are the talented, smart, rich, popular dudes in school/campus that have a 'badass' attitude. Throw in some arrogance, maybe a little narcissism, and also this air of superiority and streak of rebelliousness, and there you have the stereotypical 'bad boys'.

All those stereotypes and quotes have been used to death, though, and that isn't what piqued my interest.

What REALLY did pique my interest is the ending of the video itself (All three versions, actually) that nice guys DO finish last.

Or rather, should I say, nice guys are the ones who finish it, and are the last ones standing.

Deep down, there are plenty of average guys out there who want to be noticed by the girl they like. Therefore, they decided to follow the example of the bad boy who always seem to attract the attention of girls, especially the only one he has eyes for.

Thus comes makeovers, both within and without. Looks change, attitudes warp, and they attempt to be another person through buying clothes with skulls, piercing their ears, listening to some dating advice that always reiterates the idea that being a 'bad boy' will draw the girl(s) to you.

Unfortunately, bad boys aren't a long term thing.

In a sense, girls who actually prefer nice guys who are more sensitive, romantic, familial and responsible are the ones who are far-sighted and take note of their future, as compared to those who simply prefer traits that characterise a bad boy.

Not to say all of the girls in the latter category are near-sighted, shallow and silly, because sometimes they mistake attraction for romantic feelings, as some of them later go on to mistake sex for love, resulting in unsavory social consequences for themselves and the society. It's worse if a young life is extinguished in the process. Inhumane, even.

But at a certain age, say about the time where one can be considered an adult, albeit a young one, that's the time the female ought to start thinking properly about the future instead of always partying and looking for the 'fun-loving guys with good looks, good bod and always make me laugh.' (Not that humor is a bad thing, but looking out for the more concrete traits is much more...sensible and the smart thing to do.)

Neither is looking for the perfect one that 'looks like this Korean idol or that Taiwanese hunk of an actor' realistic, not especially if you are in your twenties already. Grow up.

To be fair, guys should also stop trying to always learn things that are popular and stop being themselves in the process. It's unhealthy and can cause identity confusion. Are you the nice guy who's holding back whenever you feel like doing a bad boy thing, or are you a bad boy who isn't quite that...well, badass?

Likewise, looking for the perfect girl is absolutely out of question. To do so is to indulge in the fantasies of a teenage boy with little experience in society and has hardly any concept of common sense. If you're still thinking like that, GROW UP.

Not to say I can sit on my high horse and judge others, but it's simply a reflection of what I've seen and experienced. In a sense you can say that I'm screwing myself over as well. XD

Most people have been through that phase. Many are going through it now as teenagers, while others are still trapped in their own little fantasy bubble even as adults, still dreaming of their perfect Prince Charming or ideal Belle of the Ball. Then there are those who simply party away until they are too old and then start facing the consequences of problematic relationships that built their foundation on the sand of Fun instead of the rocky foundation of Stability.

Nice Guys do finish last.

Bad Boys don't even finish at all. Lest they turn to being nice guys.

Now, that would be nice.

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