Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Does it really matter in the end?

All these things...the apparent signs, the little bits and pieces of ruined jigsaw floating around, sometimes twisting and turning till they forcefully fit themselves into the unfinished picture of your life.

These worries, these concerns....They are certainly beyond me to handle all at one shot. Not especially when every single one of them is fighting for my attention, whispering maliciously about all the possibilities, seducing me to start comparing and keep on doing it, enticing me back into the blackest state of mind.

They are truly beyond me.

....But they are not beyond 'I Am'.

'I Am', from whom light comes forth, where Hope resides and the prospect of a beautiful future shines brightly like a blazing sun, burning away the insidious voices as they scream in agony, fading back into the shadows, hissing and gnashing away.

'I Am', who grants you the Sword and the Shield, the Armor that protects you from the maddening vicissitudes that threaten to consume your sanity. The One who, the mightiest warrior ever, makes you to be like one. Like a Lion.

'I Am', who tenderly cradles you in His bosom, comforting and cooing you to a tranquil peace and a wonderful rest. He makes you like Him. Like a Lamb.

'I Am', who, despite our disobedience, forgives our waywardness and always finds it in Him to welcome us back into the fold with open arms, embracing us, loving us.

'I Am', who gives an unending supply of dreams and visions to those who wish for it. The One who revives dying lives, dying aspirations. The One who makes the last first, who makes the foolish wise.

Does whatever we have on our minds matter, then?

Yes, it does.

For we are human, and have been given free will.

In the end, though, it is still a choice we make.

Do we set our troubles and disappointments above Him, or do we make the choice to believe in Him, the 'I Am' who has and WILL make all things good in His time?

What really matters?

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