Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Where do I go from here?

Things are looking up, then down. Then down and down again. Still, the start always seems to be the hardest to go through with.

Already the withdrawal symptoms are showing. Already The Enemy has stirred. Ever since deciding on taking greater responsibility for lives and taking the fight to him, attacks come hard and fast. Illnesses, nightmares, fears, temptations...

It isn't easy.

And sometimes I lose sight of the things that are set before me. The promises He had, the dreams, the visions, the unfulfilled potential, the infinite possibilities what I can become. What anyone can become.

So easy to just see what's in front of us and determine our lives based on just that alone. So easy to just say, "Oh, that's how it's going to be." or when someone asks you what you have planned out for the next five years, you shrug your shoulders and say, "I don't know. Just see how it goes."

We are all so Short-sighted.

Already the problems are looking like the Himalayas to me - insurmountable, daunting, unconquerable. Standing at the bottom and looking up, the peaks can hardly be seen.

Yet....we were meant to be greater than conquerors. Where then, is this indomitable spirit that we should have? Didn't we have great aspirations to work towards? Why did the vicissitudes of life so easily lay claim to our attention, our thoughts and ultimately, our lives?

We are all so Short-sighted.


On another level, sometimes people walk in and out of your lives. People who you thought would think of you as friends. People who you thought cared. People who you thought you had a chance with to develop the relationship to the next level, be it from an acquaintance to a friend, a friend to a close friend or even from a close friend to a significant other.

The reason? Sometimes you don't know. Most of the time, actually. But there are times where instinct, analysis and smart guesses can net you the right but undesirable answers.

Most of the time, the reason range from you having made a decision or taken an action that are assumed to be offensive to your friends. Your lack of everything that makes you interesting, i.e. looks, charisma, personality and to the fact that you are just being compared to someone else, and we all know there's always someone else better and closer.


We are all so Short-sighted. 

And it can't be helped. No one knew that Albert Einstein as a kid was going to be a globally renowned scientist that changed the world at his time.

No one knew that The Beatles was going to be great when they were deemed 'not good enough' by one of the biggest recording companies at their time.

No one knew that Paul Potts was going to win the first 'Britain's Got Talent' contest in 2007 at that time.

No one knew that Nick Vujicic was going to be impacting so many lives despite being born with Tetra-amelia syndrome (the absence of our basic limbs) at that time.

And no one knows that you, or him, or her, or me, will actually become a strong, attractive, charismatic, powerful, mature and great man or woman in our time. A world-changer and a history-maker. A person who, now seemed so frail, weak, dependent and lacking in purpose, will impact nations throughout the world.

And as such, people who left you? They don't know what they are missing. They seriously don't.

But lest it becomes a bitter thought that keeps us in bondage or a taunting one that further erodes our relationships, remember this:

We are all extremely Short-sighted. Even you.

And the only thing we can do, is focus on ourselves more. Become better. Learn how to be an overcomer, a more reliable, attractive person. Learn how to move towards your goals, yet at the same time learn how to be relational lest you become vindictive, proud and aloof.

I'm taking that step to do all those, though it's a long road and already it seems hard. I too, am short-sighted, after all.

Let's take the step together.

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