Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thanks and Giving

Thanksgiving time together today. Had a great time, needless to say, despite being stricken with worsening flu and feeling giddy all over.

Yet the moment the fellowship and games start, the pain stops. Amazing how it works out, huh?

After the performance (Awesome stuff by Ryan, Jimmy and Kaixiang) and a little testimony from Jimmy that gave glory to Him, after the sharing of giving glory to God and thanking Him for the year, after yet another bout of noisy and fun fellowship, I was left wondering.

All the thanks....I haven't given it properly to the people who have stood by me silently, sometimes desperately, knocking, knocking on the door that hardly seems to bulge.

Yet by the gift of personal gratitude shown to those, especially those who have stuck with me and impacted me in more ways they could imagine, it feels like there's something...different.

Have I changed? Have I become more thankful, more giving?

Looking into the mirror, it doesn't seem so. Isn't it the same, plain old TL, albeit with a bit more scars, looking a little more tired with a little more crinkles, a little less healthy?

But something....something tells me I've indeed been more thankful....and more giving.

So many things have happened this year. Some challenging, some really depressing, some wonderful, some joyous, some confusing, some enlightening, some humbling....

So many, many things.

And when I look back, it suddenly feels like I'm on a mountain, even though it's just a small one. It feels like I had a good view of my troubles and trials, my blessings and experiences. Instead of huffing and puffing and sighing a breath of relief, thanking God that it's finally over, it feels like I'm truly thanking God for making the year a really....interesting year. A really good year.

And every step I take....It feels more and more like I'm reaching the destiny God has for me.

Thank You, Lord.

Thank you, E520

Thank you, dear, dear friends who have made a great impact in my life.

Thank you.

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