Sunday, March 27, 2011

Recovering Iridescence: Page 1

Difficult times.

Difficult issues.

And no, I'm not ashamed to admit it....I stumbled.

Very, very hard.

But I find myself picking the pieces up.

but who hasn't stumbled in their walk, and in their Walk?

The only difference here, though, is that it is so much harder to do so.


You know the instances where things-bad things-happen, not with one group of people, but with many, many others in a consistent pattern over a period of several years?

It's normal for that one person to think that "Hey, it's fine. Bad things happen to good people all the time, right?"

But it starts getting bad when that one person realises that when he is not in that group, they work very, very well.

And it happens so many times until it seems like that one person thinks that maybe he is the loose gear in the clockwork of the groups he has been in.

Was it truly a coincidence? Maybe I'm the curse to that group? Why does bad things always happen to the people around me when I come or do stuff?

No prizes for guessing who that one person is.


I feel a little better getting this off my chest.

It hasn't completely disappeared yet, but a timely slap-metaphorically, of course-from a friend and a little reflection has set the train back on track, albeit a little too slowly.

Truth to be told, it still hurts. How could it not?

But healing is coming again.

What another friend said encouraged me a lot - Despite it all, despite everything that has happened, even though I'm literally crawling through this stage of life, at the very least, I'm still crawling.

Every bone cracked, every organ bruised, but still moving.

Every hope (save one) extinguished, every other talent taken away, but still alive.

The wounded soldier is moving back to where it matters, and moving forward to what should await him.

One day, one day....ONE DAY, he shall stand victorious, joy overflowing, talents returned, ready to be promoted for what he has been through and what he has done.

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