Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 106: (RE)New

Alright, so it's a new year.

New arrangements, new faces, new challenges, new heartaches, new breakthroughs, new resolutions, new blessings.

Not all things are completely new, though, as I've found out.

Dreams are REnewed and with it, certain hopes.

The promises that I didn't or couldn't keep...I was REminded of them.

The dead visions were REvived, though not completely.

The aspirations were REvitalised, even though it might seem hard to follow through on them right now.

Though how I still wish certain things can be RE-winded, but it has passed. There probably isn't any human being on earth that can ask for the seasons to be re-winded to spring when they are experiencing winter.


Resolutions? Quite a few, I think.

Confidence is one. I've never been good at socialising still. The feeling of being left out still hasn't left, nor the idea that I have to try really hard just to squeeze out five minutes of proper conversation compared with how others can easily dive straight into twenty minutes' worth of fun-filled topics and jokes.

Doesn't hurt to keep trying, though. Maybe the day that I get it is the day I get a partner too. Hey, it's not a crime to be a little more optimistic, right? =)

Other than that...To simply start walking down the path leading to my dreams and leading to growth.

Sounds simple, but let's not bore everyone with complicated stuff.

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