Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 113: Versetehen

Don't know if I got the spelling right, but that was the Phrase/Word of the Week for me.

By the way, it's in German, and what it means is one, simple word that most of us should know, yet have to be constantly reminded of it.


All credit goes to Jayeel, my tutor for this XD2101 (Study of Religions) for bringing it up.

So simple a word, with around 3-4 syllables, yet so powerful.


It made me realise one thing - While we who have a religion, worship the divine(s) (Note: For me it is singular as there is only one absolute Being) always consider others to be so critical of us and so apathetic without asking to understand, don't we ourselves need to look in the mirror first before pointing that finger at others?

After all, the Word always talks about the 'worldly' and their 'worldly ways'.

And most of us, people who are highly educated, faithful and generally sensible tend to group them into one group ourselves.

University students, educators, bankers, scholars, businessmen....People who seem to have a certain pedigree.

Of course, not all think like that, and I'm thankful for that.

But this leads to another thought.

If we (or rather, I) are so reluctant to share our faith, talk about it and discuss it seriously with people who aren't in a religion, what does that tell them about us?

What does that tell you about YOU?

What does that say about our faith in the King?

I'll make it known that I'm not specifically pointing a finger to any single individual, but am only speaking from the experiences I've had with people.

I could write an essay about this, albeit without the jargon and academic terms and phrases, but really, I've been thinking....And was totally shocked and agitated at the result of it.

......No, seriously, I DO think about important things once in a while, okay?

I'll let the rest be a reflection (actually, I'm just being lazy. Won't provide any answers to that!!!) for those who read this blog...If there's anyone reading.

We are all striving towards perfection.

But if perfection seems too far away for some of us...

...Let's at least start with "Versetehen".

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