Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 108: Good bye

Farewell, Eros.

Or at least that's what I want to say.

In truth, it feels so contradictory, believing that you can get anything you want by abiding in Him, yet no longer believing that mutual love is ever going to happen.

Perhaps this is a good thing? After all, a little bit of reminiscence yielded a little fact that I haven't discovered by myself, and perhaps answered plenty of my queries as to why things felt so confusing.

A natural, born loner who loves people.

Not just love in the 'Eros' meaning, but love as in...Well, care, be concerned about the welfare of others...That sort of thing.

Maybe that's why there always seems to be a wall around me that people wouldn't voluntarily engage in conversation, resulting in a confused conclusion about whether I had done something wrong or simply behaved strangely (Well, I WAS a little eccentric in the past).


Good bye, Eros.

Technically speaking, it's my job to ensure the prospect remains.

You can only do it for yourself and nothing else more, but when I see others teasing them about their own prospects AND supporting them, one can't help but feel a little...envious?

Not that there was a complete absence of support, no...But it ended rather quickly, I think.

Just like my conversations - Awesome start, but terrible consistency. Good beginning, crappy ending.

Now you know why I no longer like to talk as much.

Or it could simply be a case of needing to step out of my tent.

Notice, though, I didn't say 'Good riddance' or a simple 'Bye'.

A 'Good bye' means that something good has came out of it.

To be honest, I prefer a 'See You Again' rather than a farewell.

Because He said it is temporary.

Till that time comes, though.....Eros will probably be out of my life...

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