Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 92: Moving on and not Moving on

At some point in life, anyone will come to a crossroad of decisions. Four ways are available to you, literally speaking, with the last one considered as retracing your steps and backing down. 

But I have never considered the possibility that sometimes you can face multiple crossroads at one time. Not possible in a literal sense, of course, but not every part of life is always literal. 

I never had the illusion, of course, that life will be easy. Not even when it seems I've half-weathered, half-blindly groped through the torrential rains of a few storms. Sometimes the wind doesn't blow at that opportune time, and you don't get to see the rainbow or the sun immediately. 

BUT the hope is there, and I would be lying if I said my dreams were dead. I'd also be lying if I said I did not have a compass or two to guide me through, and for that I'm extremely thankful. 


I remembered and read once more about God and the people of Israel, and pondered about the meaning of what Pastor mentioned as a casual, but encouraging remark.

"God brought us out to bring us in."

Such a cryptic phrase, but when you get to know the context (Brought them out of Egypt and slavery to bring them into the Promised Land), it becomes clear.

Sometimes, when one goes for what he/she wants, he/she has to leave the comfort zone behind. It no longer becomes a place where he/she will keep hearing encouragement, and perhaps he/she will become even more vulnerable to external influences and things or people that try to put them down. 

The Egypt of our lives are set. It is something we know.

What about the Promised Land? The land overflowing with milk and honey?

It is something that cannot be seen, something that cannot be felt. Even Moses, the deliverer of his people, didn't get to see it until he was about to go home to the Lord and his ancestors. 

He didn't see the struggles. The wars. The conflicts. And though he knew it, he didn't see how far Israel would deviate from their God. 

Perhaps that's the true for our Promised Land. Our dreams. Things that cannot be seen, but with only one promise from God. One vision. One dream. One sentence. And because it is so intangible, sometimes we fall away and shift our focus away from God. Sometimes we cry out against Him and the people whom he has put in our lives (those who antagonise you or are good to you), and ask why he did all these.

But I realised that perhaps everything that happened was part of God's bigger plan.


For He is in control. 

And when we obey and give praise to Him, He will bring us there.



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