Monday, October 25, 2010

Chronicles of iridescence, Chapter 87: Something Wrong

Something is wrong.

With me.

That's why things aren't happening.

We always tend to keep asking 'why' (a tendency that could have been left unnoticed had Pst. Tan not brought it up last Saturday) and sometimes we do it subconsciously, without realising it's fruitless to do so unless you know 'what' to do and 'how' to go about doing it.

The 'do' here refers to problem solving, of course.

I realised I haven't been facing up to my problems head on despite my own self-assurances.

Hey, don't look at me. It IS difficult, and no one will realise how difficult it is unless they have a certain level of resolve, a certain level of courage and a certain level of tenacity. (All three can be exclusive of each other, though).

The moment I start facing up to my problems a little, that's when things started happening for the better. Simple things like being able to talk to people more or being able to save more time because of how 'coincidental' trains come just at the right time with just the right amount of space for you to squeeze into are just some examples.

Maybe that's what I need to do? Face up to those problems properly and deal with them.

Though I would have a better chance if I was a little more ruthless in dealing with them. Something to consider, perhaps.

....All right, back to a stressful week.

God, give me strength and wisdom.

As always.

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