Thursday, October 28, 2010


Just a question.

Is it normal to actually accept that you hardly get any replies sometimes?

Earlier, I had fretted about this, and got different responses to this situation I found most troubling.

"Don't be so impatient. Maybe she's busy."

"I guess you can just wait a while? Not everyone has the habit of answering immediately."

"Maybe the phone's spoiled? Or the Internet connection has some problem..."

A few other comments (some not so nice) got me thinking. It's self-centered asking people to reply immediately, because THEIR LIVES DON'T REVOLVE AROUND ME. It also shows a glaring lack of patience, something I'm still honing (and probably many, many others too, thanks to the fast-paced society we're living in).

Most of all, it shows a terrible deficiency of maturity.

So I try to do the opposite - Try my hardest to be patient, waiting even up to 3 days for the reply. The longest record was 5 days, for the record, before my patience wore away and I had to send a message again.

Problem is, I'm starting to wonder if this is suppose to be normal.

I'm not talking about random strangers, or classmates, or people you don't really know all that well.

I'm talking about friends.

So you tell me to be patient. You tell me to wait for replies.

Does that I mean I should be doing things like wait for several days just for a simple reply to a simple greeting that says "Hey! How are you/How have you been/How's life? =)"?

Sometimes, there's obviously no reply at all.

That doesn't stop me from trying, but there's an appalling sense of normalcy that's beginning to creep into this.

And I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

Not everything's that bad, of course. There are people who reply, and there are those whose simple replies simply made my day, be it through SMS, a return call (One of the rarest things, of course...Can almost be considered a birthday present sometimes), through MSN messenger or even through Facebook.

Sometimes, it acts like the pleasant wind that blows the dark clouds away from my day.

But more importantly, rather than just why this acceptance is starting to become normal, I need to know how not to let it feel normal, and what I should be doing such that people will find it pleasant to reply or converse with me.

Long route ahead, as always...

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