Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chronicles of Iridiscence, Chapter 89b: Reciprocation

"Do unto others what you want others to do unto you."

Golden rule? Probably.

And thank the King for this.

It isn't the first time that I had this thought in mind, even after a great sermon by Pst. Kong today. It's like this little voices in my mind saying, "Hey, this (unsuitable term for a guy or girl) did this to you. Don't you want to do the same back?"

I'm most guilty of having contemplated the scenario itself, and I'm still feeling horrible that I actually did that. Thinking that in the future, if they really did need my help, or that I've truly prospered and become much, much, much more than what I am and these people come to me, should I do what they have done unto me?

When they ask for help, I reject it?

When they ask simple questions, I simply ignore them?

When they ask me to be more sensitive, I tell them I also have my own sensitivities?

When they attempt to point out things that might be wrong, I quickly and immediately defend myself?

Now that I think about this, I feel really guilty.

The Son has already said we should do unto others what we want others to do unto us.

The Book also says that we should turn the other cheek to the person who slapped us on one cheek.

The principle, of course, is not to get beaten up, but more of having a peace-loving attitude and one that doesn't demand warped human justice. The correct term would be vengeance, of course.

Also, judge, and the same judgment will be used upon you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.

I don't like to be judged. And I doubt YOU do too, right?

So my conclusion is this....

Even if these people have hurt me, I will be peace-loving.

With the hurting done, unintentionally or intentionally, whether its because of one's own self-interests or for the sake of others.

If they ask for help, I will give it.

If they ask for forgiveness, I will give it.

If they ask to be friends, I'll gladly be one to them.

Regardless of my status. Regardless of their motives.


Maybe I still don't have to give up.

Hope is still there. If not, why the heck am I still trying despite a self-declaration that I can no longer trust in the King or people for the things I desire AND that are good and pleasing to the King? 

The Book has a few things that one can use as a mantra to encourage oneself, and one of them is the famous passage on Love.

I shall elaborate no further, for the rest are only revealed to a few close people who at least encourage me, and do so sincerely.

And to the Almighty One, of course.

For there can be no other who gave me that peace when I asked.

I shall receive.

I shall hope.

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