Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 89: Side

God's on my side, right?

Even if no one's supporting me in certain things or decisions I make, He's still there.

Even if I fail repeatedly, He's still there to lift me up.

Looking upon the success of others, the happiness of others and catching myself before the envy becomes too deeply rooted, I realised what Pst. Tan had mentioned earlier this year.

Everyone has different seasons in their lives. Yours might be a wintry, dry and cold time, while others are basking in total happiness, surrounded by warmth and friends.

And another one mentioned by a friend, something implying that the greater one's trial is, the greater/stronger/wiser he will become.

And definitely the greater the rewards.

Right now I'm simply hoping for simple progress. Short dashes to milestones barely twenty metres away, perhaps.

But who or what is to say that if I persevere, I wouldn't be blessed more than what I can imagine? I wouldn't become someone that I've never thought of becoming?

Who has the AUTHORITY to say that I should not hope that prayer comes to pass in a similar nature?

In a way, frankly, I'm disappointed by the amount of negative comments coming out, well-meaning as they are (for which I'm still thankful).

"You can hope, BUT be prepared not to get it."


"Sure or not? You know what's going on?"

"You're not ready."

Yes, my dear friends, I know all these, and I thank you for your repeated reminders.

But I DON'T NEED extra doses of reality.

I need/want encouragement. The type where I feel it's sincere. The type where I feel that the people encouraging are at least interested in where my dreams are heading. In what I'm intending to do to reach those goals and those hopes I've placed in things and in...people.

But sadly (and bluntly once more), there's a lack of interest.

But that's part of OUR fallen human nature (yes, I'm also sometimes guilty of this to others), isn't it?

But I remembered the story about Jacob. About Mark.


And at the end of the day, if I keep my wits, my sincerity, my perseverance and my humility about me, I might just turn from a worm crawling on the ground into an eagle, soaring high above those who were once flying up there.

But my purpose is not to win others. Not anymore.

It's simply to shine for the Lord.

And be happy.

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