Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 56: Celebration and Love, Dreams and Nightmares

My church celebrated its 21st anniversary today with a bang, despite the troubles plaguing us at the moment.

In some way, I found it significant. When the church goes through a time of trial, so do the believers, whether it's based on what's happening to the church, or what's happening to the individual 'cells'. In other words, the cell groups and the people comprising of them. It's completely certain that I'm not the only one facing trials, and neither are you and you the only person.

When the body is sick, there's bound to be some part of it that isn't feeling well, and others that feel better. Just as it is night time for one doesn't mean it isn't day time for the other. Just as one is being challenged greatly doesn't mean the other isn't having their harvest time.

And just so you know, the 'Words of "Wisdom" ' I put here and on Facebook and Twitter? It is as much for others as it is for myself, though the source begins from yours truly. Ultimately, however, I thought it better to share some of these little thoughts if it could help you, or you, or you, even if it was just a little.


As it is today, love is the theme of the celebration. It was really a pity that I could not attend the two services fully, but the atmosphere was so strong that it convinced me I made the right choice in deciding to go and serve.

Love was really in the air...Just not the kind that I wanted directly, or could feel with a dear one near me. It was love nonetheless, one that satisfies you and comforts you. One that chased away the blues and the nightmares and the madness you face day in, day out when things start popping up. When every day the worst case scenario plays over and over again in your head, taunting you, trying to lead you astray as best as they can, nurturing the rage that you never thought could be found in you. Nursing jealousy, envy, hurt, disappointment and every possible negative emotion you can think of.

But at that point in time, I felt lifted up. It felt like once I poured out my soul to God, the voices started fading away. The scenarios disappeared after persisting for a short while. The chest that hurt whenever I thought of the reasons why things might be turning out for the worse goes away.

As the sermon today in the second service mentioned, we need to commit these things up to God. And this kind of commitment isn't a one-off thing either. It needs to be made again and again, because the inevitability of dealing with such troubles is very real. But again, such trials were never meant to weaken us.

Even up till now, I believe that God is simply preparing me to be strong enough to take the blessing and promises He has in store for me. While it isn't wise to build up a storehouse for your own riches, one needs a storehouse nonetheless, else others would simply steal or take from you, whether intentionally or not.


To tell the truth, no one really knows what I'm going through. No one can truly understand it either, which is why I purposely left out tonnes of details on what I'm going through at times, especially more so when the 'thing' looks even bleaker than it should be, considering it came from a 'credible source'.

Only God does. He knows it, and knows it well. How could He not, especially when He has shaped us in His own image and even knows how many strands of hair there are on your head?

So, ask away if you want. I'm truly grateful for the show of concern, but sometimes, if you can't understand it or if you don't get any straight answers, don't fret....Your feelings are more than enough, and you will know more in time to come when the sharing of it is not a burden, but a testimony of how God pulls me out of the driest valleys and the most hopeless, unlikely situations to bless me because of the faith and patience I will show and have shown.

God always keeps his promises, even if we don't feel that way sometimes.

He always does.


Stagnation at this point doesn't mean nothing's ever going to change, and that all you hope, wished desired and prayed for won't ever come to you, and that it's going to someone else.

At the end, the person who perseveres despite the difficulties faced by him on his accord as well as the other partys' (parties') ultimately wins out, especially if you deign to exercise the 'Greatest of all' which endures forever.

Love for God. Love for others. Love for self (in adequate amount, of course).

And even though love usually involves reciprocity, there are some rare cases where it's one-sided for a period of time. This period can be short. It can be long. It can even seem like an eternity, but in the end it's Love that endures forever, greater even than Faith or Hope.

One day it's going to be reciprocated. One day it will come to pass. One day things will happen as you saw it in your dreams and visions.

I'm by no means attempting to shackle anyone, of course, even though I'm fully convinced that what is being shown and told is true. God wouldn't want that either, nor would anyone.

But until things really start happening, the dreams and visions stay a secret.

Someday, when I stand at the frontier of the fulfillment of the promise, perhaps I'll speak of it again.

Praise and Worship be unto the Lord, and commit thy troubles or desires up to Him, and he shall grant thee thy heart's desires.

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