Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 68: Of Two-Way Doors and Mistakes

Doors are often made to be opened in one single direction - If one person pushes, the one on the other side has to pull to open it. The 'one' here can refer to anything - People, person, dreams...Whatever a person desires to achieve or receive.

Yet more often than not, certain doors don't work like that, and there are many times where you thought it was fine and good to pull/push on that door, only to find it that for some particular reason, the other side adamantly doesn't want you to open it, when there have been times where you were able (or in some cases, allowed) to open it and interact with the person on the other side.

That's the problem with these doors. They don't have peepholes, make the whole place sound-proof and are impossible to break down without certain unsavory consequences arising (only in a few rare cases do they turn out for the good, if I may add). You can't see through them - and we aren't supposed to, anyway - and have no idea what's going on on the other side. No sound, nothing.

All you have is the notion that you could still be allowed to open the door, perhaps send some letters through a postbox built into the wall next to the entrance, and when you tried, it seems that something else had happened. The door suddenly becomes shut. You can't interact with the person on the other side. Even the return letters stop coming back. You knock. Where there used to be even the slightest bit of reply during times like these, suddenly nothing returns. At best, a half-hearted one wriggles out to your ears.

Then you wonder why. What did you do? What happened? Was the other side angry at something you did - or worse still, did not do? Was the other side facing some problems and troubles of their own?

The first impulse is to knock again repeatedly. Show concern. Offer aid, if needed. To your consternation and perplexity, the other doors to other people remain wide open, while yours remain shut, and the natural tendency of any human is to start believing that "It's my fault. It has to be."

And perhaps some of it is indeed one's own fault, even if you have no idea what you did. No one tells you, either due to the lack of knowledge or concern. The other side probably does know, but what good is it if they don't want to tell you?

Maybe you've knocked too many times and became an intruder instead of the guest you've always been. Maybe the door's been open too many times for you, that the other side decided to destroy the temptation to let you in more by completely shutting you out. Maybe the other side thinks you're getting too close for comfort, be it personal and private space or something that the other side doesn't want to make known to you. The worse possibility is, of course, that other people at the other doors might have something to do with why your door is shut.

"Insecure!" They shake their fingers at you accusingly. "What a dork." The female scorn is apparent. "No one likes pushy people." Others reasoned. "What a loser." The Popular Opinion voice scoffs. "The other side doesn't care about you one bit. Just give up, fool." The malice is full in this one.

So many voices, so many thoughts stampeding through your head. So much chaos inside that you can't wait to tear or break something apart, scream and shout, pummel the wall until either it breaks or your fists do and weep your heart out till you run out of tears.

But through that cacophony, only one voice matters.

The one that led then guided you here.

The one that reassured you that everything is going to be fine.

The one that brings calm to you, filling your soul down to its very depths with surreality and hope.

The one that ensures anything said against you, any lies, any deceit or discord sown against you will be uprooted and things will be brought to light.

The one that slowly makes you reflect and prise your fingers away from the doorknob.

The one that asks you to step back, allowing breathing space for yourself and for the other side before trying again.

The one that urges you: "Don't give up!"

One voice, that covers your mistakes and strengthens you.

One voice, that guides you along the turning point when you don't know what to do.

One voice, that still continues to show you the hammer of hope despite the darkest uncertainties that arise in your heart, smashing the ominous weeds that threatened the flower of your dreams.

One voice.

Follow it.

And things will definitely, definitely turn out all right.

Besides, some of the other people can help you too, especially if they are nearly as encouraging as the one voice you hear.

그것은 괜찮을거야.


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