Friday, August 6, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 58: Mirror Image in Black

Ever wondered what it feels like to see yourself in your daily life from another POV?

I have. Just did, recently. Sometimes I wonder if it will be amusing, shocking. Whether there will be all those head-shaking, tsk tsk-ing and face-palming moments when you think to yourself 'what is this idiot doing?!?', then stop because you realise this idiot is yourself.

Sometimes I wonder if I'd be amused. Or disappointed. Or just....happy, satisfied for once.

And if it isn't one of those out of body experiences that has to do with death, maybe I can walk up and slap some sense into me.

Sounds weird, I know, but do get used to some of that.

It's really difficult to see oneself in true light, for more often than not we like to put on rose-tinted glasses to view our own lives.

But sometimes, especially for those who simply cannot stop condemning themselves because of one reason or the other, we need to take off those black shades we've been putting on, then get a proper pair of specs, get contacts (Acuvue's not bad, I heard) or do Lasik. Whatever works.

Don't get what I mean? Simple...We need to do something about it and stop thinking Black is the normal color for our world. It just isn't right...We were given senses to see more than one color - why limit ourselves to black?

Why limit ourselves to the dark, negative feelings? Why limit ourselves to only we can do? Why limit ourselves because we've never done this or that before? Why think that there's no hope, no light, when all you need to do is to pluck up your courage, muster your energy and pull off those shades?

There's a wonderful world out there. A bright one. A colorful one. A creative one. A limitless one.

And even as I speak, I myself need to start taking those shades off. Maybe then, I can see my mirror image smiling or grinning at me before fading away, knowing that his (or was it 'my'?) existence was no longer needed.

And maybe you can do that too, more so if you put them back on again due to disappointments, failures, or because of the world's view.

Take off those shades.

Dive in once again.

And enjoy the colorful happiness that awaits you (and me) in that world of infinite possibilities.

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