Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 57: Inexplicable Quandary

Can't explain this feeling.

At least, not fully. I just know it hurts at times, and it provides a rush of warmth that lasts in other instances. Bad and good times respectively, of course.

And as always, there's this quandary.

Should I do this? Should I have done that? Should I not have done that? If I didn't do it, would it have been better?

Questions, questions....These are the times where I wonder if my inquisitiveness is really something that's good.

But God didn't grant that trait to me for no reason. Maybe I just need to control it more and make sure it works out for the better.

Whatever the case, I guess what done is done. What has happened has happened. No one can change it and every decision made has its consequences, good or bad. Accompanied by the action, things can go from Heaven to Hell in a matter of minutes and (wonderfully) vice versa.

In the end, even if I'm the one that's hurt or see no blessing, at the very least, I know I've done all I can not to curse others...Even my (suspected) enemies/adversaries/rivals/opponents/(Insert synonym for 'rival' here).

Self-righteous? Maybe, in the eyes of those who don't understand. But I couldn't care less. Knowing you have done your best....That's enough.

Looking forward to a better day ahead, for past the rain there's always a beautiful rainbow, so colorful, full of happiness and blessing.

Waiting for me.

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