Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 73: Breeding Mosquitoes

Stagnancy is the theme today, if you don't know it already.

Feels like time has passed...Flown, even. There is progress, of course, there definitely is...

But at what price? At what rate? At what level?

'Disappointment' would be the word used to sum this all up.

You know, praying for someone is good and all, but the debacle raging between being secular and relevant as well as being spiritual is now going on in my mind - Which one?

Besides, people want concrete help. Not everyone has a religion, let alone being a Christian. They want to see results. Facts. Research. Effort.

None of which I have anything to show for...I think.

And it just disappoints and frustrates me. What can be done to remedy this? That I can provide concrete help as well as spiritual aid to the people I care about?

Wanting to help is one thing.

Having people asking you to help them is another.

Sometimes when no one asks, you feel like you aren't that useful after all. No knowledge, no contemporariness, no looks, no charisma, no nothing except a heart. By the time you get the information, someone has already beaten you to it.

Because of various reasons, of course, but that's what gets to me.

A man wants to feel useful. He wants to feel like he can be relied upon. He wants to feel that he is the one you turn to if something goes wrong in your life. He wants to be able to make the people around him happy.

But I don't feel useful...Not at the moment.

My King, please give me more strength and wisdom....

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