Friday, September 24, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 79: Care

What makes you think I don't?

Because that's the way you think I behave?

Don't assume, friend. Don't.

Just as I'm learning and managing on not assuming the worst out of others, don't assume people know what you're feeling.

Don't be sensitive only to your own needs and insensitive to others. 

Don't always assume you are right in everything, because everyone has their own flaws.

And when people attempt to correct you, instead of treating it as a 'breach of personal space, betrayal of trust and lack of respect', why not treat it as the fact that they care enough to want to see you change for the better?

Thing is, most of the time they don't get much out of it. They really don't. Asking someone else to change for the better takes courage. It risks the relationship. It goes through areas no one wants to touch or know about sometimes. It hurts.

Are you open to the advice of someone, or are you always coming up with excuses? Are you always taking others for granted just because they did not DISPLAY or SAY that they mind?

Am I like that too? Are we all like that?

I hope not....Because it is a fundamental belief of mine that everyone wants to change for the better, however little progress they have.

No matter how many times they fall and stumble, what's important is not discouragement. 

However judgmental we are, I think we should stop those thoughts before they start telling us that such people are hypocritical.

What do you know? What do I know? What do WE know?

Nothing....Unless that person - or even you and I - are willing to share it. Or unless we've been through a very similar situation. 


Sometimes, we need to look back at the actions we did. 

True, what I did, or perhaps what he or she did was a breach of your personal space.

But what about your actions and words? Have you ever judged yourself like you did others? Have you ever thought back whether the questions you asked were similar in nature to those that were asked of you? 

Again, others treated it as something that was done out of care.

How about you? How about me? How about that young man sleeping on that chair reserved for the elderly on the MRT? 

One can say he/she has his/her own thresholds and they are different.

Does that mean others don't have any thresholds at all? Or that their efforts of returning the concern in the same way you did were rebuffed as though they seemed like a nuisance?


No one is a mind-reader. Not everyone can read the signs you and I give to others all the time.

I don't know if this rings a chord with you. Or you, or you. It certainly did with me when I thought and prayed about it. 

And no, I'm not saying you must talk about it just with any Tom, Dick or Harry.

How about those people who you believe you can trust? 

How about the people who genuinely care?

How about your good friends and family?


is it difficult to change? Definitely.

But no effort is in vain, even if you stumble.

Because along the way, know that there are people who care. There are people who understand, and I dare hope that one of these people will be me. Or that person you once found a nuisance and a bore, but could surprisingly be reliable in things like these.

Most importantly, He is there, ever present.

And He will help you change.

He will help me change.

He will help us all change for the better.

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