Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 77: Compromise

No more.

Experiencing it one more time was more than enough, and it came right on the heels of a string of good and bad (which ultimately did lead to something good) occurrences.


Maybe it's that complacency that I've always wanted to avoid, and this time, no more.

Not just that....For what I wish for, what I hope for, I won't give in either.

Not to enemies, not to strangers, not to friends....not even to family.

If my King is for me, who then, can be against me?

Indeed, it would be best if I could immediately start changing the habits of old and becoming a much better person.

To be honest, I know and acknowledge my own weaknesses - Not the most exciting, enthusiastic, charismatic, friendly, intelligent, wise person around. Not the most consistent either, but who can be consistently at their best?

On the other hand, I'm also starting to acknowledge my strengths - Good at writing, able to forgive easily, can talk somewhat easily about serious issues, able to analyse people to a certain extent, able to pick things up at a faster pace than the average person....

Just a few of both mentioned here, but I'm glad that this is getting somewhere.

But I also know that it is really impossible to change immediately.

in any case.....




On one more note, that also means no more compromise of my own emotions as well.

To be more specific, less inhibition of what I truly feel.

So that people will stop misunderstanding and so I can be more....approachable, I guess? Heh.

If I hate, it means I hate.

If I love, it means I love.

No more denial...Especially with the peace of my King upon it.

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