Friday, July 2, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 43: Eclipsing the Struggle

If you wonder about the title, it simply means that I've went ahead to watch that. 

Yes, ladies and gentlemen (maybe 'fellow netizens' would be a safer term, though), I'm talking about none other than Twilight: Eclipse. Watched it today after a grueling three hours window shopping (though I did eventually buy DVDs that I didn't really need, but should provide plenty of entertainment and opportunities to exchange with other friends) and having a great meal at Cafe Cartel with my usher section friends (Love ya guys!! Even if you aren't reading this. =D)

Movie wasn't as bad as I thought, though I bet many people can't wait to disagree with me depending on whatever helps them rate the movie. I have to admit, the cast was selected very well. Never seen the second movie, but I got a gist of it from newspaper reviews, forum posts and the dialogue from characters during the third one.

Nothing spectacular about the storyline or ground breaking for plot, but it was a nice execution. There was more action this time round (perhaps there was already more in New Moon, but I haven't watched it, so yeah), making it a little more balanced rather than just carrying it on with dialogue filled with saccharine sweet nothings, something that definitely was never in lack at any point in time.

Still, I found meaningful things, like how Bella and Charlie communicated, and how the awkwardness was played out when they touched on certain topics (Loved the part about Charlie asking Belle if she was still....a virgin), how Bella and Mom communicated, and how Bella and Jacob interacted. The tone used, the usage of kinesics a.k.a body language for the characters as well as the words...Not bad.

Another thing that entertained me were the verbal jabs and obvious signs of jealousy and rivalry between Werewolf Hunk (Jacob) and Vampire Dude (Edward). A titter here and there punctuated the theatre, echoing certain thoughts on how humorous it can seem at times, especially the one where the two of them had a little HTH talk.

Edward: "You know, if you weren't my mortal enemy and if you weren't trying to talk away my reason for existence, we might have been great friends."

Jacob: "You know, if you weren't going to suck the life out of the person I love and if....Ah, forget it."

Something along those lines, so this doesn't constitute as too much of a spoiler, hopefully. =P

And that struck me as funny, because in our terms, it is clear who is more mature and who has experienced more things. One could say that Edward has a clear, even unfair advantage in that, but it really depends...Because he also has plenty of disadvantages, things that Jacob simply can't wait to point out.

If there was anything I want to praise the characters for continuously, it's the gentlemanly spirit Edward showed throughout the entire movie (perhaps the entire three movies even, though his overprotective tendencies can be a little tedious to watch). Now that kind of a man, with those looks, with that charisma, with that spirit of caring for the one he loves so much that he's willing even to sacrifice his own feelings for her...Not sure if we can find more than fifty of them in this country.

Myself excluded. Just for now, I hope. =)

But it's definitely something we can all learn from. Like what I've always thought: Even in entertainment, there's always a lesson to learn.


Today was really fun. Talked about all kinds of stuff with usher friends, and very so nearly became the topic of gossip till someone else cut in.

Never have I been so grateful for the interruption, because that was a sensitive topic that always gets me stammering like a five year-old attempting limericks even adults couldn't do.

But no worries...I'll share in due time, though it might not be as interesting as they think it would be. When the time is right.

in any case, it really did eclipse the struggles I've been having the past few days...Things that are a little personal right now, but again will be shared with certain people in due time.

What I can say, though, is that confusion, frustration, shame and disappointment are the negative emotions I've felt.

Not that I'm completely struck down, because though I may stumble, I will not fall. Though I may really need that kind of 'do or die' resolve for certain things.

Because what we do not treasure, we will lose.

I don't want to lose those things. Emotions. Opportunities. Hopes. Passion.

More than that, I don't want to lose the dreams. Dreams that I have for certain things, and dreams that were given to me. More than ever before, I really do need to start learning how to see God's providential activity. That - as a good friend said - though we do not see Him there, it does not mean he isn't there.

He's moving, working, always.

He loves us, always.

And as I've heard quite a number of people mention, love ultimately triumphs over all.

Even Edward and Bella had shown that time and again in the show, and definitely in the novels.

So....What do I do, then, when there's inactivity and irritation?

Two things to remember:

1) I prayed for patience, so there you have inactivity and irritation to make me MORE patient.

2) Love triumphs over all, in the end. So just gotta keep loving God and loving people, whoever they are to me.

So....Anyone up for another movie with romance and preferably comedy with that? =))

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