Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 43: Stagnation Imagination

The dreaded word.

I feel like I've stagnated, somewhat, despite the signs of progress made.

Maybe I need someone to give me a good kick in the behind again, because it seems like whenever I start to rev up, obstacles appear, and I slow down, sometimes grinding to a halt.

Not that only I suffer obstacles to pass. Everyone else does, in one season of their lives or another. I'm just wondering if there can be more to it than there is right now.

Again, I do realise I'm no genius, so I've stopped bashing myself over the head with a sledgehammer about how slow I am in learning things in two weeks, things that usually take others twice or thrice the amount of time.

Thing is, the hammer I'm using now, though not made with a metal head, is still a hammer. Though it's the toy kind. Not too bad....Right?

The only thing that seems as though it's eternally moving is my imagination. Dreams come unbidden, good and bad ones - as my previous post would attest to. Visions still do, though not as clearly. Maybe I might even have lost sight of it till I start moulding one part of my life properly first.

He gives and takes away. All praise to him, all the same.

Because he's only taking it away from me for the time being, so I can concentrate. Why do I know this?

Simple. I just...know. To explain it would be revealing a bit too much, something that I'll only say if you ask. Nicely. If you even read about this, that is. =P


Is it my imagination?

Probably not. After all, I did had that realization long ago. Maybe I'm just in denial, hoping that that isn't really the case. That what I've done is not putting the ammo into the double-barreled shotgun that was meant (and hopefully NOT fated, but by accident) to shoot myself in the foot.

Certain...changes I saw today confirmed that. I think. And that sullen feeling sets in once more.

Was it like that? Could it be that I've helped my own cause onto the path of destruction?

So confusing....Which is why I've decided to put my imagination to better use.

Considering how the fengshui master that came today said that I was very 'straight' (as in direct, frank, unyielding/stubborn), I've decided to just stay true to myself.

Worry not about how circumstances of others can affect you, but how you can overcome them as well as make your own situation better.

Be true.

And let my imagination do the rest in good dreams and visualization. That way, I really won't be distracted....And I can concentrate on the important things to me.

"WAIT for the LORD; Be strong and take heart and WAIT for the LORD."  Psalms 27:14

"I will WAIT for the LORD, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob. I will put my trust in him." Isaiah 8:17

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