Thursday, April 22, 2010

Humor and the Raw(r)

How does one become funny?

Been wondering about that for days. I can't really crack a really good joke that keeps people laughing till they wish they hadn't listen to it. The stuff I make either send shivers up the spines of people, summon crows in the sky or just...totally ignored altogether.


Slapstick isn't really everyone's thing. Besides, there's more than their share of people playing clowns. To be humorous without intending to be, to be make people laugh just by a twist of your facial expression...I wanna do that. Not just because I want to be the centre of attention, but also to make people happy.

I had my moments, of course. During a NM 3215 Advertising Strategies presentation about advertising the Allswell brand in front of the whole module cohort, this was what happened:

E:....And through our microsite, we will measure the success of it by the number of hits-

Lecturer: *Rings the bell twice to indicate I have only 1 minute left*

E:-Thank you. And-

*Whole lecture theatre explodes into laughter*

And there I was, not even sure what was so funny till my friends told me. Now that was what I wanted.

But I don't have it. I can't talk to people and make them laugh just like that with a snap of my fingers. At best, lukewarm and polite laughter. At worst, silence.

How do people do it? Talk so easily, make conversation and out of nowhere, teasing and jokes, then laughter.

Maybe I should start researching on this after exams and when I'm not so hungry.

Speaking of hungry....FOOD!!! Once in a white moon (A bit too often, actually), I get a random craving for certain foodstuffs. This time, it's Sashimi.

I salivate whenever I think about it recently. Haven't taken the next fatal step of dreaming about it yet, thankfully, or I might find myself lying on the floor the next day with broken pieces of wood around me and splinters in my mouth.

Bad news is, the darn ash is causing all those imports of salmon to Japan from Norway to delay. I've got a feeling the Land of the Rising Sun isn't the only country affected.

Now, if only I can afford the money and time for some really good Toro and Tako....

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