Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Near Death

Never thought I would say this, but I thought I nearly died today.

After the first exam (General Biology, which went surprisingly well), I went down to a certain Chinese restaurant to eat my lunch and fill my stomach to be ready for the next big battle with the armies of Culture Industries. Ordered some mixed veggie rice and started eating.

The meat was fine. Not too tough and just tender enough. The scrambled egg was...okay. The rice was...not so good. Then I made the biggest mistake in the lifespan of my cafe life in NUS.

I took a huge bite of the greens, and immediately the salt threatened to engulf me from within, corroding my insides, spreading like a virus that threatened to destroy all by eating through-

Ooookay, let's stop there.

Basically, it felt like something exploded in my mouth. Being the idiot I was (probably still am in some aspect), I decided not to spit it out like it was worse than the rations I had in BMT outfield training. Instead, I decided to chew and swallow it like a man (more like an idiot, rather).

The next moment was a blur. I found myself impulsively buying a bottled drink and chugging down the liquid without knowing what it was. Could have been arsenic for all I care at that moment.

And then, I thought I saw the Son walking in front of me, in clothing whiter than white and with such a strong presence. Was he welcoming me finally? Ahh....What a wonderful feeling, it would be like floating amongst these clouds:

Look! There's light coming in from somewhere...

Till I realise that I was nearly choking on the Mountain Dew and instead saw a girl with shoulder length hair walking past. And she wasn't even wearing white.

Talk about delusions....

And then I tried to continue eating the meal, though this time I found something very interesting: I refused to touch the veggies initially, only doing so when I plucked up my courage, though I keep putting them back immediately at the first hint of any excess salt.

Interesting, isn't it? That when I get my behind handed to me on a plate by certain circumstances or challenges, that I can stand up - albeit after some struggling - and go at it again, no matter how many times I get pummelled into the ground.

All it took was a handful of salt (a LARGE handful, if I may add...Sometimes I SWEAR they are out to kill someone and make it look like an accident) and some not-so healthy looking veggies that stopped me right there and then.

Interesting contrast, don't you think?

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