Thursday, April 1, 2010

Of April Fool's and Random Musings


Today so happens to be a wonderful day. It's the eve of Good Friday, a wonderful time for all. I've already heard several TGIGFs circulating around like it's the buzz phrase of the week.

It also so happens to be April Fool's.

And the joke was on me.

It was only just half an hour ago did I realise that after FINISHING my General Biology assignment on Tuesday, and checking my IVLE account did I realise with that horrible, sinking feeling that something was absolutely wrong.

And how right I was, though I wish I wasn't. Under assignment submission, the number read (0).

Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind that wasn't yet shocked into paralysis by this undeniable fact, I was wishing that my Bio lecturer would pop up behind me with a silly grin plastered on his face and shout two words that would have brought me instant relief to that knotting feeling in my chest. Never would I have been happier to hear them coming out from someone's mouth, least of all a teacher.

Yep, you got it. The first word starts with a capital 'A' and the second, a capital 'F'.

First time I ever finished a Bio assignment before time and this happens. I'm wondering if The Enemy is laughing at me somewhere from below (Which is fine, really, since I'll make sure this will be one of the last chances this year that he will be laughing at me).

Yep, joke's on me. A pretty bad one, if I may add. The one good thing about spending April Fool's in campus without any good friends around is the fact that no one plays any childish pranks on you, because everyone's busy mugging, rushing projects, rushing for tutorials, rushing to print notes, sauntering to lectures annnd rushing home right after that to catch the transportation that would take them back to their comfortable little sanctuaries.

Still, I'm optimistic that good things are going to happen today. I have a philosophy that has been developed by mixing with wonderful people I know in church, and it goes like this:

"If, after receiving revelation, you're suffering from some setback, it means you're on the right track and something is trying to hold you back."

It's really as simple as that. Really.

* * *
On another note, I actually contemplated doing an April Fool's joke here about closing the blog or being a hacker with a "All your base are belong to us" message, but realise it would have been done in terribly poor taste. Trying to be funny is one thing. Being really humorous is another. The Enemy, for one, is trying to be funny in my life, though I'll probably find that droning Japanese Studies Professor so much more humorous.

Now that I think about, April Fool's doesn't always have to be about tricking or being tricked by your friends or colleagues, then leaving the scene with an angry expression on your face for failing in your jokes or being hoodwinked.

It should be a day about laughter. Almost as much as any day should be.

I love to laugh more than what my face indicates at times. It is so essential right now, especially in this period of pandemonium and insanity (A.K.A Sauteed Deadlines stuffed with a delectable filling of examinations...Yummy. @_@) that we need to release what we have caged inside like a raging beast waiting to pounce once the seal is accidentally broken.

Somewhere. Somehow. With someone.

Why not scream out your frustrations at the sea and let the waves carry them away? Run out your worries till the only thing you think about is finishing that last 1 km within the time limit? Laugh and whoop at the littlest blessings and joy you find in your day? Talk your worries away over tubes of ice cream and button mashing video games with your best girl and guy friends?

Why not do it with friends? With family? With loved ones? With that someone you always cared about?

Why not do it today?

And at the end, if you find it embarrassing in some way, you can always shout "April Fool's!"

Remember to laugh. =D

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