Monday, June 14, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 24: Turn of the Tide

Every time I read about a story regarding people overcoming the odds, I'm filled with awe, respect and amazement.

Fighting against debiliating diseases, fighting an overwhelming army that outnumbered yours by hundreds of times, fighting against the emotional pain, shame and anguish...Something that Jesus did.

"How did they do it?", I would wonder. It's true they were smart, capable, confident...But how did thye arrive at that? Out of so many people who failed, how were they able to overcome it, rise above the circumstances and situations, and conquer at the very end?

Perhaps it is indeed as I assumed: Resilience.

Then again, they probably knew what was going to happen if they pressed on. Or rather, they knew what was going to happen if they did not press on, especially in the case of wars and great battles. States will crumble. Nations would be defeated. The cause, their cause they had been fighting so hard for, would be for naught.

I wonder...What would have happened if the cancer survivors gave up the ghost?

What would have happened if Winston Churchill decided to wave a white flag, knowing that Britain was the last Europe state that was yet to be occupied by the Axis army in World War II?

Most importantly, what would have happened if Jesus gave up God's will and did not die on the cross for us?

I shudder to think of the possibilities.

The thing is, in almost every situation, God loves to turn things around. Even though it seems like my efforts are fruitless in certain things, that my faith in his visions sometimes seems to be on the brink, God would be there to turn things around.

But you know what? How timely the message had been just two days ago. Trials were designed not to weaken, but to strengthen us. As Pastor Phil puts it, there are many different kinds of trials. As a friend puts it, God compliments us with trials.

As I believe it, God gives us trials because he can't wait for us to grow stronger.

Amidst all the "Why, why why?!?" whining and crying from myself and from others, I realised that clinging on is more important. I realisd that when you always want this and that, it isn't always for the best. I realised that even though there are times where you really, really feel horribly down and need to just let everything out to God, in the end, the heart is important. Staying true to yourself, staying true to God is essential.

Who knows? When you pray to him, when you cry out to him, you need to believe that he heard it, because he hears everyone. And when you stay true to him, he will actually grant you the things you want. Even if he doesn't, somehow, if you just trust in him, things might actually turn out for the better. A greater blessing, similar in nature, might be even there, ready to pop out of the giant birthday cake and shout "Surprise!"

So that's what I believe. That's what I need to confess. Just like the other day, on the way to church. Mired in some conundrums, all I could see was black fog ahead, no matter how I visualised it. I looked up at the grey sky and wondered if I would be having the same, wistful expression, eyes threatening to tear, smile tightening when that time comes.

Then somehow, he spoke and I turned around. Amazingly, the other half of the sky was bright, clear, beautiful, and immediately there was a lifting of the veil over my eyes.

That's where we are at times. In the middle of light and darkness, all we need is to take that step. Make that decision to turn away from despair and darkness to look at the light. Make that decision to stop harping on the past. Make that decision to see that perhaps the situation isn't as gloomy as you see it...All you need is a change in perspective. And action that comes with your faith.

Let's be thankful for all the blessings, all the people, all the revelations...All the trials he has placed in your life. In my life.

Knowing that there are so many trials now, at least I know that he cares so much to want to see me grow.

He really, really does.

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