Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 40: Blood

Can mean so many things.

For example, the deep red crimson you see that spreads out rapidly on the carpeted floor beneath a body means a murder has took place.

It can mean that there's danger, especially if one sees a place that's splattered with lots of it all over. Or it can mean that a slaughter, mayhap done in a wild fit of insanity that even beasts would flee from, had taken place.

While blood can be interpreted as fear, as loss of life, as horror (yes, the classical and 'real' vampires, not your shiny skin, drool-worthy parasitic hunks), it can also be explained as symbolising life, sacrifice, passion, even love.

Perhaps that's a little poetic, but think about it. What's that flowing in our veins? If it represents loss of life when it flows out of your body, doesn't that mean it represents life as well?

Sacrifice...Not the bloody Aztec sacrifices to their gods, but more of using that blood to save a life...As Jesus Christ did on the cross. As blood donors willingly give part of what they have to help others - something I did today.

Passion. Do we not call very passionate people 'hot-blooded'? That it's because they are full of hope and vigor, that (theoretically and practically speaking) the blood flows faster?

Love. Wasn't it Jesus' blood that cleansed us? That he died for us in order to bridge the gap? Weren't you born with the nutrients carried by the bloodstream of your mothers?

This may sound cockneyed, but feel free to interpret them in any way you like and throw me a counterargument. You're always welcome to do so anytime.

Interestingly, I never thought about this as I went to the blood donation drive today. All I thought about was how interesting, how fun it could be. It was only when I was squeezing that miniature heart that helped me pump the blood out did I realise that I could very well be saving someone else's life with the 'fun' and 'interesting' activity I was looking forward to.

Not to say that it isn't fun and interesting, or that it being fun or interesting is the closest thing one could go to blasphemy, but that's perhaps one of the deeper meanings of an otherwise normal and almost painless activity. A talk with my friends who went down with me also contributed to this insight, that every pack, every drop within that pack...It contributes.


Just celebrated a belated birthday again today...With my new usher group!

I was really surprised, though it was more pleasant than anything. Seeing all the new faces, reading a new book about conversations, then reflecting upon the sermon from Pastor Kong...It made me realise how little I had done to build relationships, and how little actions I could have done might have well contributed to my efforts in attempting to make more friends and be more of a cheerful and intellectual person.

Herein lies the dilemma: I know I've been doing my best, but perhaps that isn't sufficient. Perhaps I need to up the level somehow and break through yet another ceiling.

But there's no rush. As the saying goes, 'haste makes waste'. Hastily constructed efforts to do things like this will only result in the sudden collapse and demise of the entire project itself, without even needing the wrecking ball of circumstances and obstacles to hinder you from building up a grand plaza of networks, friendships and love.

So maybe, just one inch a day. Just one centimetre a day. Maybe that would be sufficient. Just a little improvement, then take some joy in it, yet knowing that you can do better the next time every time you get one step closer to your goal.


Things happen. Abruptly. Somehow you can't help but worry.

But I decided not to, and just go ahead and do whatever I can, for worrying doesn't add one more day to your time. I'll just keep remaining cheerful, keep remaining true to myself as much as I can and keep doing all I can to carry the presence of the Lord, which brings joy and peace and love for all that it's worth. (Hey, that rhymes! Sorta....)

I'm not looking at seconds, minutes, hours or even days before things can change or happen, though. I'm probably looking at weeks, months, and possibly years (Hopefully nothing more than a decade!!!) before things can happen.

It's not just the things I'm praying for or hoping for right now, but also for my dreams and aspirations. Ever since sealing part of 'that' off, it's getting a little difficult, but thank God that I feel like I'm acting more naturally and being more true to myself.

You know, life really is like a rollercoaster. There's always ups and downs, and sometimes you feel so sick of it that you just want to puke, get off the darn ride and take a break.

We could all do that once in a while, actually. Take a break. But at least God's here, and he's both in that seat next to us as well as in the control box. If things get too fast, somehow he'll try to slow us down. If things are too slow, he'll help us speed it up a little.

And if you scream in fear and pain, God hears it. He feels it, because he's just right beside. Yet if you whoop with happiness and weep in joy, he's also there. Through our good and bad times, through the weddings and funerals, through birth and death, through love and heartache...

Let's believe he's always there.

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