Thursday, June 10, 2010

Poetic Iridescence: Hope

My bones grow weary;
I can barely lift myself up.
My soul feels heavy;
I can barely drink from His cup.

But hark! What is that?
Something my drooping eyelids see?
Something more beautiful than the sunset?
What exactly could it be?

The light of the dawn beckon;
After the seemingly eternal twilight.
Nothing mortal Man could reckon;
After passing through the dark night.

It comes suddenly to us;
So swiftly, so unexpectedly.
It allows us once more to trust;
And pour our hearts out so freely.

Hark! You who are in despair;
Hear the great roar resound.
Rejoice! You who take on more than you can bear;
For the joy of Hope is abound.

After the darkest of nights;
Take heart and cheer!
For there shall now be light;
And Hope is now here.

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