Friday, June 18, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 28: Generation Consternation

Disclaimer: This post is not, I repeat, NOT directed to any specific individual. I am by no means attacking or judging anyone's behavior. As such, no names shall be mentioned (duh) to order to protect their privacy and protect my own stance. Thank you.

Had a fruitful day today. Learning something new always does that, though it can get pretty difficult at times. Still, new things are always challenges...Trials meant to strengthen, not weaken you, unless the new thing you are talking about involves damaging yourself in by any means, which I feel is downright silly. On the bright side of things, another challenge arises in that you have to STOP doing that damaging thing or stop continuing that damaging habit you are accustomed to.

Aside from that, I'm feeling really tired right now, but at the same time refreshed. More ideas flowing into my mind and all I need is that spark of action to start a wildfire over the dry, grassy field of imagination. After all, that's how dreams are turned into reality, isn't it? Action. What's more, it is through action that we can see a greater representation of faith.

Two birds with one stone.

And I think I really found something to do right now, something more than just Facebook-ing or Internet-loitering or playing games (Music and Anime are, fortunately, not included =P). It's not just because of interest, nor is it because just of a desire to make music. More than that, I need to keep reminding myself whenever I hit brick walls, that I'm doing this for the King.

On to the topic proper.

Having talked recently to PH and SL, it seems like our thoughts coincide about the 'current generation'. It's just so...different, so...alien sometimes. Like we're seeing another culture coming forth from the foundations that we ourselves have been upon previously.

Sometimes I wonder why, and in the course of discussing this with them, I realise that I try to rationalise the behavior, the mannerisms, the reactions, the attitude of the current generation and - more often than not - often found myself wanting in truly explaining the phenomenon.

Now, I'm not saying I'm some great Sociology major who has won multiple prizes in his field work and is thinking of doing a Masters immediately after his 4th year, but I think any sensible young adult could see the gaps if he/she were to scrutinise closely.

Just for example's sake, here are a few comparisons:

Past generation:
1) "I hate you, I seriously do, and I'm telling that to you, right now."
2) "You love, you get attached. You break up, you get hurt. You learn from your mistakes and start getting attached only when you feel you can take it."
3) You: "I'm feeling emo...Can I talk about it here? Don't tell anyone." Best Friend: "Sure. Tell me what's wrong."

Present generation:
1) "I hate you, but I'm going to pretend nothing's happening, and I expect you to know why I hate you. Else I'll just tell someone else I hate you while I smile as I talk to you."
2) "You love, you get attached. You break up, you get hurt. You love again, you get attached again. You break up again, you get hurt again. Why? Cuz others are doing it...And isn't this what love is about? Feel like getting attached, get attached lor."
3) Scenario 1: You: "I'm feeling emo...Can I talk about it here?" Best Friend: "Sure. Tell me what's wrong." Days, weeks later, you find out he/she's leaked it out.
Scenario 2: You: "I'm feeling emo...Can I talk about-" Best Friend: "Lalalala." You post it on your blog, and your Bestie accuses you of not trusting him/her enough.

Now, this look very much like generalisations, but from what I've seen or heard and thus deduced, this seems to be happening. Aside from that, I do understand there are some exceptions too, so if there's anyone with a clearer picture, please correct me.

Whatever it is, the differences are so stark sometimes that I occasionally get a shock. Things like students getting attached at the age of 10-12. Pre-marital sex at age 13 (with the girl consenting to it). Smoking at the age of 12-13. Vulgarities spewing out of an eight year-old's mouth. Primary school kids telling dirty jokes. More Primary school kids toting PSPs, Nintendo DSes, iPhones and less soccer balls, badminton rackets and hockey sticks.

Sometimes I wonder what's happening. When did this occur? How did it occur? Why did all this start occurring?  Was it the influx of new technologies and mediums that gave kids greater access to media-depicted stereotypes about "True romance"? Was it us, the previous generations of people, who failed to keep a good rein on the kids?

The scholar can give you a thousand and one reasons AND explanations, but I'm unfortunately, not one. Ultimately, the blame game gets us nowhere. Besides, it is important to see whether there's a plank in one's eye before you and I can start pointing fingers too.

To tell you the truth, I'm worried, as are many people who care for the friends they have who grew up in the current generation. We want to do something to help. we really do, but it's the consternation that comes with not knowing how to handle such situations as well as the confusion as to why this is happening that stops us.

And that's what prayer is for. That's what the King is for. He's there to help. He's there to teach us how to help. He's there to tell us that sometimes, we can do something about it and sometimes, we just need to leave it up to him and the other people who have more experience in dealing with this.

That being said, we need to try our best for these people, especially if we care for them. Help not because they are problematic, but because we want them to become better people. Because we love them.

And maybe we don't understand. Maybe I don't understand and maybe some people don't feel like saying things. But you know what?

Just be there for them. Be ready. So that when they fall, we can try to catch them. So that when they reach out a hand, you can grasp it and haul them up as best as you can. Do it like the Son, yet not trying to be omnipotent. When all else fails, there is the King that you can trust.

And so another day passes. School reopening for some (I know some people are starting to emo. Don't worry, it will be my turn soon. In about another month. MUAHAHA). Tomorrow's going to be exciting, with something fresh, something different. More tasks to do. More trials. More times to try. More opportunities. More serving to be done.

Yes, more mistakes are possible. More stumbling sometimes, but that's all part of the package.

In a buoyant mood today (sort of). As again, I'll lift everything up to the King and let him move again so strongly, so strongly...

Hallelujah. =)

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