Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 18: Decisions

That's it. I've made the decision.

Going out was the right choice, even though it ended up this late. I didn't realise it then, but now I discovered that while talking to my friend, I had actually been cheering myself on.

The two blind men didn't give up, so why should I?

Caleb didn't give up after twenty long years, so why should I?

Job didn't give up despite his suffering, so why should I?

So, I'm not going to give up either. If it seems long, I'll think of Caleb. If it seems painful, I'll think of Job. If it seems like the King isn't answering me, I'll think of the two blind men who followed Jesus all the way for healing.

I'm not going to give up just because of stupid insecurities. I'm made in the King's image, and stupidity has no part in that. I've made the decision, and ready for action again.

But the action will surface in another area this time. I've probably been trying too hard in that particular area, so now it's time to really switch the focus back onto the King. Everything I've been doing, everything I will be doing, let it be for Him.

Work out that potential that so many, countless people have been telling me that I have.

And if it so happens that other decisions don't happen to include me despite the visions...Well, the decision-makers don't know what they are missing out on. That's too bad, since it would be fun and exciting for you to work out my potential and for me to work out your potential.

If that sounds conceited, go ahead and think that way. I don't really care about what others think, as long as my intentions are right with the King. Because He will truly grant me the desires of my heart, and I know, with affirmation from him, that none of them are wrong with him.

Even so, it doesn't mean I lack concern in certain areas. I do feel and want to show concern, but there are invisible boundaries that I've overstepped once, and I won't do it again till the road is cleared of these irritants by either the parties involved or by the King himself. It would be really wonderful if I could say "Are you all right?" and get a definite answer, but if that doesn't happen, I'll just trust that the King WILL make things right for whoever I have in mind (I'll be praying for you too. Jiayou!).

All right...Asia Conference 2010, here I come. Ready for greater things, miracles, wisdom, love and passion.

Ready for breakthrough.

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