Saturday, May 1, 2010


Having one now, adversaries rushing in from all sides.

Not that I'm exceedingly worried, but there is cause for concern when the giants start closing in and the armies start marching towards my Helm's Deep (Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers).

Only difference is I can always call out whenever I need help and somehow I can get through the invasion and stave off my invaders.

Thing is, will it then have boiled down to nothing left except for a smattering of infantry, splattered with the remains of my enemies, battered and bruised, weary of combat but very much alive in the determination to fight till the end?

I made a choice and I plan to stick with it. But choices are always hard, and the road sometimes equally rough. Sometimes we stray off it in hopes of finding a shorter way, a better way. Sometimes we look at the beautiful tiles on the roads of the others walking to the same destination and envy sets in, causing us to neglect the state of our own.

As I've mentioned, starting off much, much later than everyone really, really hurts. It hurts my chances. It hurts my confidence. It hurts my resolve. It hurts when you realise that the others were so much better off and despite everything you do thus far, nothing works in your favour.

But you know what? I've made that choice again to trust in the King. Difficult? Yes, especially when the happiness of people around you sometimes hurts you more than you care to show.

But no more. No more of that, and neither will I pull off the macho act. Help is always welcome, but if I have to trudge through the thorns and step on the tiles on my road that have turned to burning coals, I have to do it.

Even if hardly anyone - especially people you hope would - really cares or understands, at least He does.

And that...Should be enough...

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