Monday, May 10, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Interlude (I)

Darn it....Now I've gotten sore throat and sore eyes.

The sore throat's gotten a little better, but I'd have to see how it's going to be before doing anything else. Like practising my singing in the shower again. Nasty little habit, especially when I take late showers. ^^'''

Besides that, recently it seems like many, many people around me are struggling with their emotions, their problems, their insecurities. Just as I had before this, when I suffered what I considered to be a crisis of faith.

I'm very much fine, of course, and determined to keep going strong...But the next question is: Can I help these people with whatever they are facing, especially when some of their emotions and problems were so similar to mine? Not sure if this is the time to do that, especially when I'm still building up my faith level.

Besides, certain things can be resolved through time. As the adage goes, time heals all wounds. Not exactly true, but close enough. Besides, most of the people I'm thinking about right now have the King as their sovereign. Surely nothing is too great that the one over their lives can't do anything.

So I guess I'll just pray and keep being a friend; Provide a listening ear whenever they feel comfortable to share, and simply just being there to encourage or comfort them. In all this, I shall not worry, for eventually things will turn out fine as long as there is belief. If they need help, then I will be there.

I want to be there, especially if the King has prompted my heart to do so, regardless of the rejection I might face. Just to do my best to help and let Him do the rest.

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