Sunday, May 9, 2010

Chronicles of Iridescence, Chapter 3

Something's wrong. Physically wrong, I mean. I'm suddenly feeling some soreness in my throat and eyes. Was this perhaps the start of something that was designed to wear me down again?

It probably was. Had a relatively rotten time serving today in church. The seats-an entire row-were given up just like that. Taking up the position of the Refuser ("area-is-closed-sorry-go-somewhere-else" guy) had be stuck at a position and if I ever inched away from it, it would be considered a dereliction of duty and you would be thrown out of ministry.

........Nah, just kidding.

But basically, I really couldn't move much to check. Then there were the beloved congregation. It's fine to just go up ignoring you, it's another to have them lie to you, then have your fellow ushers (thank God for them) come down and tell you that many of those had a phantom cell group on the terraces.

I really, really felt cheated. First time back in a long time, ready to go all out, ready to do what I can to prep myself up for THE big event, and this happens?

But as the sermon says, we gotta love. And love I did tried. Succeeded somewhat though, because I've forgiven them only after service ended and thought about what Pastor said. And the Presence was so strong that I'm convinced the people who had lied to me for various reasons (overly eager to get seats, irritated that they have to wait till the terraces are open, for convenience etc.) had received the message in full. If they didn't....Well, not my responsibility. It's their decision to make, after all.

Besides, in the midst of all that nastiness you experience when serving in ministry, (*COMPLAINT ALERT: Please, PLEASE don't ever say you understand or put down ministry people UNLESS YOU'VE SERVED IN ONE BEFORE. It IRRITATES THE HECK OUT OF ME, as one friend can testify) there are always people who are very, very understanding. Despite looking harried and extremely irritated (got offended, I believe), once you explain things and talk nicely to them instead of treating them like "just another member of the church", you realise that they ARE understanding and ARE nice people.

And why let such a silly thing bring down the mood? It's Mother's Day! The one day to celebrate our beloved moms who have done everything they could to make sure we live a good, fruitful life. The time where you see heartwarming scenes of parent and child (in some cases, family)  going for a simple dinner or just walking around, window shopping. The time where you see bakeries lined up with assortments of cakes, all catering to the occasion and the special person on this day.

Thing is, we should be making this person special every day. Make her feel special. Make her feel loved. Make her feel like all that she has done is meaningful and you're thankful for it. No matter the way you display your feelings, it's the heart that really matters. It's just like the rich people who threw money in for the tithes and the poor widow who put in ALL her two mites - It's a heart thing.

And today, I've finally began trying to cook some veggies. WOOHOO! Simple stuff, really, but I feel like I've finally taken one tiny step out of my comfort zone.

Guess what? I feel like taking more. Exploring more. Improving more. Upgrading more. Then becoming a better person, a person strong enough to handle the burdens that come to me and take them in stride. A Man....of some sorts.

Now, if only I can get a freelancing writer job...Haha...

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